Login.exe vs User Created Login

Login.exe vs User Created Login


Due to stricter requirements from outside regulations, the need to have specific oriented security is growing by the day. iFIX security is pretty cut and dry but that doesn’t mean you can’t create your own form of security with different aspects that meet your needs. Login.exe is the standard security window that pops up when accessing it. Time based security through the help of a background scheduler, is NOT recommended. The other option is to use a form in VBA to recreate the security login information and program it to the specific needs of the end user. These can help with systems that always require a constant user with limited security authorization to automatically be logged in at all times.

To create this form, all you need are three things; Login, Logout and Cancel. These command buttons can be configured in anyway you want. Luckily, with a little bit of VBA knowledge, methods are easily laid out for the integrator to start and finish the program based on their needs. From there the form can be integrated into the picture with the help of a push button. These buttons can be found on your native toolbar and can be program to initialize a form

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