Pointing collector to New Historian via the Registry


  1. Shutdown the running collector.

  2. Open the Registry Editor  -  run   regedit

  3. Navigate to the This Key:

     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Intellution, Inc.\iHistorian\Services\iFixCollector






Change the   HistorianNodeName    key   and  modify the value to be the New Historian Computer Name.

  1. Close the Registry Editor

  2. Restart the System and look for the Collector to Connect to the New Historian in Historian Administrator.


Depending on How your Historian Security is configured,  other parameters may need to be Modified.
The Collector Name should Appear in the List of Collectors at the Historian once a Successful Connection has occurred.


***Also Remember to make sure the Historian is added to the HOSTs file.

AutomaTech Inc.