Setting the IGS to be dependent on another service


Why do I see IGS in demo mode yet my IGS is licensed ?

  • Usually caused by the IGS Runtime service starting too quickly for the Proficy Common Licensing Service.

  • There are two different methods, both fairly simple

  1. Put a delay on the IGS service; Task manager > IGS runtime service > properties > delayed start

  1. Setting a registry dependency, detailed steps below. Knowledgebase article here if needed, steps below

  • To make the IGS software dependent on the Proficy Licensing software, locate the following registry key:

  • [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\services\IntellutionGatewayOPCServer] Be careful that you do not locate a similar named key beginning with “IndustrialGatewayOPCServer”.

  • Find the Value Name “DependOnService” and add “CCFLIC0” (last character is a zero) to its Value Data field.

AutomaTech Inc.