Installing Dream Report for Proficy Historian

Installing Dream Report for Proficy Historian

 Please note that this is just a simple configuration example with a couple of tags, any other configuration can be built off of this demo…

  • Please install Dream Report version 5, Common Licensing Software and depending on your Historian version, the client tools for that version.

  • During the install, both the Runtime Management Console and the Dream Report Studio will be installed.

  • Once everything is installed and the license has been activated on the system, restart the machine in order to have Dream Report licensed.

  • Please note that during the install, the wizard has you select what drivers to install, it is best to have the knowledge before the installation.

  • When the program is installed and running, you have two options to configure the project with: The project wizard or by doing the old fashion manual way. If you're less experienced with Dream Report, it may be best to utilize the project wizard.

  • Located in the Dram Report Studio, the project wizard has five sections: Project Name, Connectivity, Data Archiving, Batch Definition and Reports.

  • Once the project name is filled in, go to the connectivity section, from there select the data source you plan on using with the software

  • If you're using Historian like this demo, use the "Proficy Historian historic values" option.

  • Click on the ellipses near the window for selecting your datasource. If client tools aren't connected and configured properly, the connection will not be established and your Historian name will not be on the drop down list.

  • Select "iHistorian OLEDB Provider ", you can test the connection if needed and configure anything additional if it pertains to your current setup.

  • Data Archiving tab allows you to select what type of data archiving you would like to do.

  • The reports section allows you to configure and set up the report itself and add specified tags/ You have a lot of options and are also allowed to bring in previous reports.

  • When the report is configured, you can add objects and pick what goes in here from the datasource.

  • You can configure a majority of items and projects in the Dream Report Studio. The Runtime Manager helps you manually generate reports, establish connection and configure file extensions.

  • My example below was configured with a couple of tags, the report was made and saved in a PDF file that is located in the OSC file directory.


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