Errors on iFIX 6.1 install after Workspace Sim 16 is applied
GE repackaged iFix61_Workspace_016. They left a file out. GE did not rename the SIM, they just Updated the Date in the Readme file.
If you have a customer who installed iFix 6.1 as a new install and they installed iFix61_Workspace_016 , they may have issues, but it will show they are updated with SIMs.
The file I found that they had left out was LDBA.dll Actual updated version of this file is 04/01/21 04:40 AM 730720 Bytes LDBA.dll
If it shows an earlier Date, they need the Current Published SIM , not what they originally installed as iFix61_Workspace_016.
If they had installed iFix61_Workspace_014, then installed _016, then the file was in there and they will be OK.
From the ReadMe FileSIM Number : iFIX61_WorkSpace_016
SIM Date : 03-24-2022 07:22:09
Platform : iFIX v6.1
AutomaTech Inc.