Project Migration

Project Migration


If I cant use the Back Up and Restore option, what is the best option to migrate my project?

Please select these files from the list below, all are needed in order to successfully migrate the required iFIX files to a new system

From the PIC folder

  • Any GRF File (Pic files) I would cherry pick the ones that you need.

  • User.fxg, this will house all your code from the previous project. Remember that any code that is hardcoded will need to be updated. When you have the user.fxg file copied over, confirm the date, thatll tell you the correct one is in there.

  • TGD files, if you’re using Tag Group files, these need to go in as well.

  • Any .FTB or .FDS files should go (these have to do with the any custom dynamos).

From the PDB folder

  • IGS, ABR, GE9 or MBE, these driver files will have a [PROJECT.DRIVER] associated with it. These can be copied over and applied to the current configuration set up. CONFIGURE THE DRIVERS BEFORE IMPORTING THE DATABASE. Or lots of errors can follow

  • I would export your database to .CSV before copying it over to the new project, this will provide you with the most current database configuration.

Other than that, the rest of the project and licensing should be pretty straight forward barring anything out of our control. Its also recommended to have the same resolution on the new project as the one that has the iFIX x.x on it or your pictures will not look correct.

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AutomaTech Inc.