Is there an easier way to fit my pictures onto the screen without recreating or using the “Zoom to Fit” option?
Yes there is but it is a process that involves some manipulation of the picture and coding as well. Note: This is a workaround.
For starters, it is best to always keep in mind that iFIX pictures need to be developed in the resolution it is going to be working in. The pictures in iFIX doesn’t have an issue moving to a higher resolution but it does however, when the resolution is decreased.
The approach is to find the pictures that will need to be used and only work on those.
Each picture will need to be broken down and looked at for inefficiencies I.E empty space, big objects, etc.
Once each picture is efficient as possible, zoom out of the screen (Right click on picture > Zoom > 50%. This will give you the opportunity to group all the objects on the picture and then have the ability to resize everything at once.
On the Ribbon Menu in Workspace, go to the Home Tab and select “Full Screen” this will give you the option to see what the picture will look like in full screen.
Expand the group to fit the screen, once completed save the picture.
It is important to note that the zooming function in the Property Window of Workspace does not save when switching between run and configure mode. All other properties will save when changed but the zooming function will not. In order use the zoom function and keep it permanent if it pertains to your situation, add this VBA code to the initialize section of your picture. This will make it permanent and will always zoom out when the picture is opened.
AutomaTech Inc.