Files needed for project migration and updates.

Files needed for project migration and updates.

Steps to Be Taken to Manually Backup Required Files on an iFIX 5.9 through iFIX 6.5 (Source Machine) and Manually Restore to your iFIX 5.9 through iFIX 6.5 (Target Machine) running on Win 7/Win 2008/Win 8.1/Win 10/Win 2012/Win 2016/Win 2019 64 bit operating system.

Source Machine (eg. machine running iFIX 5.9/iFIX 6.0/iFIX 6.1/iFIX 6.5):

  1. Launch the SCU and click Configure and select Security - click Edit then select Configuration and then click the "Disabled" radio button to disable the security then click OK - this will disable the security temporarily.

  2. Report Out the existing iFIX user security information:

  • Click File then select Export and save the security file information to the Program Files\GE\iFIX\LOCAL directory as Security.RPT file.

NOTE: Steps 1. and 2. above are applicable for systems where the iFIX security is enabled and in use.

  1. Click Edit and then select Configuration and then click the "Enabled" radio button to reenable the security then click OK - then click the X to close the SCU and click Yes when prompted with the message "Configuration has changed. Save new changes?".

  2. Manually backup all .CSV, .CFG and .DAT files in the Program Files\GE\iFIX\HTR directory. NOTE: This applies for systems running iFIX 5.9 ONLY as Classic Historian is NOT supported with iFIX 6.0 and above.

  3. Manually backup all .H04, .H08 and/or .H24 files for each listed node under the Program Files\GE\iFIX\HTRDATA directory. NOTE: This applies for systems running iFIX 5.9 ONLY as Classic Historian is NOT supported with iFIX 6.0 and above.

  4. Manually backup ONLY the Security.RPT file in the Program Files\GE\iFIX\LOCAL directory.

NOTE: It is STRONGLY recommended that a new SCU file be created manually for the new node on the new IFIX machine and not to backup existing *.SCU files on the source machine/restore to target machine due to potential issues with iFIX security; path configuration differences; etc.

  1. Manually backup all *.GRF, *.TGD and the User.FXG files ONLY in the Program Files\GE\iFIX\PIC directory - NOTE: If you have created any custom color tables (.FTB) or custom dynamos (.FDS) these should be backed up as well.

  2. Export the existing iFIX database file and any I/O driver configuration files, saving each as a .CSV file and then manually backup these .CSV files as well as the AlarmAreas.AAD, any *.PDB; any *.EVS files, and any driver configuration files (eg. *.ABR, *.MBE, etc.) in the
    Program Files\GE\iFIX\PDB directory.

  3. Manually backup all files in the Program Files\GE\iFIX\RCC directory - (as applicable).

  4. Manually backup all files in the Program Files\GE\iFIX\RCM directory - (as applicable).

Target Machine (eg. machine running iFIX 5.9/iFIX 6.0/iFIX 6.1/iFIX 6.5):

  1. Manually restore the backed up directories/files to the target machine as follows:

(a) Restore all backup files from the Program Files\GE\iFIX\HTR directory to the Program Files(x86)\GE\iFIX\HTR directory. NOTE: This applies for systems running iFIX 5.9 ONLY as Classic Historian is NOT supported with iFIX 6.0 and above.

(b) Restore all backup files from the Program Files\GE\iFIX\HTRDATA directory to the Program Files(x86)\GE\iFIX\HTRDATA directory. NOTE: This applies for systems running iFIX 5.9 ONLY as Classic Historian is NOT supported with iFIX 6.0 and above.

(c) Restore all backup files from the Program Files\GE\iFIX\LOCAL directory to the Program Files(x86)\GE\iFIX\LOCAL directory.

(d) Restore all backup files from the Program Files\GE\iFIX\PIC directory to the Program Files(x86)\GE\iFIX\PIC directory.

(e) Restore all backup files from the Program Files\GE\iFIX\PDB directory to the Program Files(x86)\GE\iFIX\PDB directory.

(f) Restore all backup files from the Program Files\GE\iFIX\RCC directory to the Program Files(x86)\GE\iFIX\RCC directory (as applicable).

(g) Restore all backup files from the Program Files\GE\iFIX\RCM directory to the Program Files(x86)\GE\iFIX\RCM directory (as applicable).

  1. Create a new SCU file and configure the file as required, making certain to change the node name (as required).

  2. If security is to be enabled on the target machine, open the Security Configuration in the SCU and click File then Import and import the restored Security.RPT file.

  3. Manually recreate/enter all user passwords for each of the Users prior to enabling security (as failure to do so will lock all users out of the iFIX system).

  4. Finally, once the security information has been imported, and the user passwords have been recreated then reewable User Based Security by doing the following

(a) Click the Key icon in the Toolbox to launch the Configuration.

(b) Enable the User Based Security by clicking the "Enabled" radio button and click OK.

(c) Click on the "X" to close the Security Configuration and then click the "Yes" button when prompted with the message "Configuration has changed. Save new changes".

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