FIX32 to iFIX Migration - ConvertHelperToolbar
Click Here to download the zip file
Modified Date: 2023-11-06 - to add ability to alter the alarm visibility objects for Global Foundries Vermont
Creation Date: 2023-06-30
ConvertHelperToolbar was developed in iFIX 5.5 for the purpose of “fixing” DataLinks Text and Chart objects that get skewed and have gradient background after a FIX32 to iFIX migration.
The purpose of this toolbar is to provide the ability to search for objects of a certain class and change the fonts, and correct the backgrounds of datalinks so there is no gradient background as it appears after a FIX32 to iFIX migration.
The tbx may not open in iFIX versions prior to 5.5, or versions that do not have SP2 and the workspace SIM that I had installed.
WARNING! If you are not careful, this could mess up your pictures, so make sure you have a backup.
Sims I had installed when built are as follows;
iFIX55_Pulse_FD Installed Successfully 12-21-2022 09:06:03
iFIX55_Pulse15_DatabaseManager_002 Installed Successfully 12-20-2022 17:35:54
iFIX55_Pulse15_Networking_003 Installed Successfully 12-20-2022 17:35:44
iFIX55_Pulse15_SP2 Installed Successfully 12-20-2022 17:33:52
iFIX55_Pulse15_WorkSpace_049 Installed Successfully 12-20-2022 17:34:44
Regardless of the version, the code is included in the zip file.
File descriptions are as follows:
ConvertHelperToolbar.tbx is the toolbar file that belongs in the ifix\LOCAL directory.
putting the file in the local directory should allow you to make it visible in the toolbar utility within workspace
The following files are not needed but are included in case you need to rebuild the toolbar
ConvertHelperToolbar.cls is the click code for the one button that is in the toolbar.
If the tbx cannot be opened, you can copy/paste the code here to call the main function in teh modGlobalPropertyChange.bas.
frmGlobalPropertyChange.frm and frmGlobalPropertyChange.frx are the form files.
If the tbx cannot be opened, you can put these two files in a folder and import them using VBA's project import feature.
modGlobalPropertyChange.bas has the main module that loads the form.
If the tbx cannot be opened you can put this file in a folder and import them using VBA's project import feature.
There is only one function here called OpenGlobalPropertyChange, which prepopulates the fields in the form. You can customize this depending on what object classes you want to search and change properties.
frmAlarmVisibilityFixer.frm was added to modify visibility lookup animations
Iterates through all objects in the active picture
Looks for a lookup object that has a source with A_LLALM in the text
Looks to see if the object name has “VISIBLE“ in the name meaning it is a visibility animation
Removes all levels
Adds one level to be FALSE when “OK” (invisible) and TRUE for anything else (visible)
It does this by setting the DefaultOutputValue property of the animation object to “TRUE“
Hope this helps!
John Dunn
Manufacturing Consultant
AutomaTech, Inc.
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AutomaTech Inc.