Terminal Server Graphic Tips
Things to consider when your Terminal Server Environment has issues with Graphics and Animations
The Basics
Can you confirm that IFIX 5.9 Sims are up to date, there are two sims (iFIX59_Workspace_008.exe and iFIX59_AlarmSummaryOCX_001.zip)
The Environment
Does the system you’re currently working on have different resolutions? It is strongly recommended that all screens have the same resolution and display settings. Obviously sometimes this cant be avoided but it is something to consider
Different display setting can conflict with the “Zoom to Fit” option enabled on in your user preferences.
Picture Sizing, Location and Scaling
Picture sizes are controlled by either Logical Coordinates ( iFIX 5.5 or earlier) or Enhanced Coordinates (iFIX 5.8 or later)
The Enhanced Coordinate System features automatic scaling of a picture when viewed on a screen with a resolution that is different from the screen of which the picture was originally created, this could be causing your fonts to remain larger than preferred
Once a picture is created with the Enhanced Coordinate System, the picture retains its original aspects even when viewed on screens with different resolutions
Zoom to Fit
Does not change the location of the objects/ shapes within your picture, but scales the picture for view only.
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