Database Error after license has been activated.
The activated license is not adequate for your project.
If the database works in demo mode but not in run time mode, this tends to be an issue with your licensing. The best way to solve this is by going into your DatabaseManger and selecting the Summary option. This will give you an idea on how many tags you have currently in your database.
Next, compare it to the overall licensed tag count that is in your License Client.
IF you need help understanding what is considered a licensed tag and what is not, please use this article from GE for more information.
Blocks that count toward I/O limit are:
Analog Input (AI)
Analog Output (AO)
Analog Alarm (AA)
Analog Register (AR)
On-Off Control (BB)
Device Control (DC)
Digital Input (DI)
Digital Output (DO)
Digital Alarm (DA)
Digital Register (DR)
Multistate Digital Input (MDI)
Text (TX)
NOTE: These blocks count for I/O for all I/O drivers including the SIM and DDE drivers.
AutomaTech Inc.